Max Leavitt: The Old Country
Mordecai Yitzhak LIEN was born in 1894 in Wysokie Litewskie, a small town of the Russian empire. He lived there until the age of sixteen.
At that time, in 1910, he joined thousands of other Jews in the massive migration to America.
Embracing his new homeland, he adopted a new name. He was known as Max Isadore LEAVITT for the rest of his life.
Text and photos contributed by the Leavitt descendants.
(P1) Bluma, Max's Sister, and her husband Moses Szuster.
They emigrated to Argentina in the 1930s.
(P2) Eli Lien and Devorah Schacknofsky. About 1930.
(P3) Back row from left: Joe Leavitt, Jennie Steinberg (Leavitt), Max Leavitt
Front row from left: Benjamin Leavitt; Eli Lien holding Saul Leavitt, Herb Leavitt
(P4) Max and Jennie, about 1919.
(P5) Back Row: Joe Leavitt, Jennie, Max. Front: Benjamin, Eli Lien (holding Saul Herb)
(P6) Eli Lien and Devorah Shacknofsky, Max's parents. NYC, about 1930
Notes: At the time, under Russian rule, the town would be been known as Vysoka Litovsk, the Russian rendering.